Viddyoze Review – Is Viddyoze The Best Option To Create Stunning Videos?

Viddyoze Review

Effectiveness - 9
Ease Of Use - 8.5
Cost - 5.5
Creator/Developer Rating - 8



Viddyoze is a video editing software that allows you to creat stunning animation video via a cloud-based platform.

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Viddyoze Review

Hi Guys! Today I wanted to talk to you about the Viddyoze video creator that is taking the world by storm. It is always smart to do some research on our own as there are a ton of video editing softwares in the digital market arena already.

So hopefully by time your done reading this review you will have made your mind up on whether Viddyoze is the right animation video creator&editor for you.

So lets get into it!

What is Viddyoze

Viddyoze is a video editing software that allows you to creat stunning animation video via a cloud-based platform. I personally think that it's very convenient for users because Most editing tools of this caliber require some experience of video editing but Viddyoze doesnt and even a complete newbie to creating and editing videos could become a pro without issue.

How does Viddyoze work

Well, There's been quite the Viddyoze Upgrades lately…

Viddyoze 1.0 entered the market with its original version in 2015, followed by Viddyoze 2.0 in 2016, which took the market by storm, and then the Viddyoze Live Action was released in 2017.

It is a tweaked version of the Viddyoze 2.0…Viddyoze 3.0 was released later on in 2018.

The Second installation to the Viddyoze software was Viddyoze 2.0, which sold over 100,000 copies. I like the fact that this software is a walk in the park as it is extremely easy to use without any complications.

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You can easily create studio-based videos without having to follow complicated instructions.

The dashboard of Viddyoze 2.0 is very neatly organized. The animation templates such as intros, outros, titles, etc. are on the left side of the menu. You can also preview different templates to choose from for your video.

I also appreciate the fact that it does not require you to install anything and is easily accessible anywhere you have access to the internet. As it's a web-based editing tool.

The one-time fee is perfect. It does not charge you monthly with continuous pop-ups or ads and lets you use without bothering you.

Viddyoze Live Action is also a great upgrade after the Viddyoze 2.0. It is a 3D software animator that allows you to blend live footage and 3D animations. The software also lets you upload your own logos, texts, and images within a real cinematic action video.

The software also permits us to customize their giant library of templates consisting of 100 of them.
These templates are strictly created for Viddyoze only and aren't available on other platforms.

Viddyoze 3.0, which is the latest upgrade, is now available in the market with more improved features in comparison to the former models.

It is an easy job to run this software as Viddyoze simply works by choosing a template, customizing, editing, previewing, and rendering it. The software only needs minutes to complete your work.

There is an array of templates to choose from and customize according to your liking and preference. The templates come in different topics, scenes, and niches. You get to tweak your videos after you choose the template of your choice.

You can play with the editing available while being creative at the same time. You also get to choose the color of your animation and preview last minute things before you render it.

As we transition into the latest software with Viddyoze 3.0, I am impressed by the incredible features to help you bring your A-game in video editing. The animated transitions are very attractive, with smooth blending that makes it seem like one complete video without pauses.

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The call to action templates is used for filling videos with call to action buttons and cool animations. These are vital engagement buttons for interacting with our audience.

One drawback of most video editing software is the limited availability of templates for use. Viddyoze recognizes this problem and provides us with multiple templates for $37 Dollars a month.

You can also pay $347 Dollars for a year to access without having to pay every month.

This particular feature of Viddyoze 3.0 takes home the crown for me; the ability to insert texts and logos on our videos with the actual support of live actors is mind-boggling. We really don't get to witness this feature with most editing software in the market now.

The ability to blend in the movie landscape in your video speaks volumes about the work invested. It also gives us a professionally done outlook on the video. The live preview at the end is a cherry on top for a great software as it allows us to finalize our work with final touches before we render it.

Viddyoze features…

: Studio-Quality video templates.

: Designer Template Library.

: Custom Audio Support.

: 100% Mobile Compatible.

: Cloud-based software.

: Members Area & Training.

Pro and Cons of Viddyoze


: Cloud-based so no need to install anything.

: Easy to use.

: highly customizable.

: Huge amount of high quality video templates.


: Upgrades can be quite expensive.

Is Viddyoze Worth buying

In my honest opinion i would have to say Viddyoze is definately worth a buy especially for those in need of high quality animation videos, this tool can save you a fortune and alot of time trying to learn animatioin and video editing.

So i hope you now have enough information to decide whether Viddyoze is for you or not. Thanks for checking out my review! 🙂

Viddyoze upgrades

Let us also take a look at the Viddyoze OTO's available…

Viddyoze 3.0 Template Club Upgrade OTO consists of over 700 templates and 15 new templates delivered per month. It also has over 30 templates with unlimited rendering licenses. It is a premium OTO out there with the commercial license used for creating advanced 3D animated films with customizable templates, live-action, and video assets.

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It is done by using the Upsell Viddyoze 3.0 Template Club Upgrade.

Viddyoze 3.0 Pro DFY Upgrade has got to be the best Upsell. There are two “done-for-you Hollywood” style showreels to publicize your animation production. It also has one animation explaining video with a “done-for-you” voiceover like Alexa to sell your services. The OTO in general has a premium feel and look to it and isn't traditional like most software platforms.

You should'nt worry that much about fitting Viddyoze into your budget because it is available to you within an affordable price range.

The creator offers two different license options i.e., personal and commercial license, which costs $47and $67 Dollars, respectively.

They also offers Viddyoze 3.0 personal license for $77 Dollars and the Viddyoze 3.0 commercial license for $97 Dollars. These offers help you create studio-level animations at an affordable price point.

The commercial license has unlimited rendering, while the personal license has 30 renders per month. if your serious about video creation&editing then It is an investment to Buy Viddyoze as it helps you create professional animations, which is beneficial for you and your business.

And in case you decide to grab this im going to be throwing in a bunch of awesome bonuses worth $2814+ to make sure you get your money's worth!…Check out my cool bonuses below!!!

After purchasing just shoot me an email at “” containing the “email address” you used to purchase and your “reciept number/order id” and i'll send you over your bonuses within 24hrs. 😉

About the author: admin

Hi, my names Mike Digital Marketing Consultant and a proud father of 3, i started my journey into internet marketing and trying to build an income online over 10+ years ago... Since then i've been blessed and have come a long way in achieving my goal of "financial freedom" and being able to spend more time with my family, So now my focus is on sharing the love and helping others to achive the same success and freedom in they're lives too :)

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