Getting local clients to hire you can be difficult especially if your just starting out in this space…So i thought i would put together a few tips to help you get the ball rolling on scoring your first local business clients by using these simple tweaks!
:Presenting a professional yet casual you – Its important to always look and be professional but you also have to be careful not to come across too stiff and intimidating as some clients especially smaller ones want be used to dealing with any web based stuff or hiring other to do it for them…So its important that you come across warming while professional.
:Getting some social proof – When starting out i would recommend doing some free work by reaching out to local businesses and offering to provide them a service in exchange for a review…then once you got a small portfolio of clients you've done free work for you can start using those reviews and proof of work as social proof when approaching businesses for paid work/projects.
:Sharing the load – Its important to outsource most or atleast some of the workload to virtual assistants and outsourcers which will allow you more time to focus on growing your business and closing deals.
:Be proactive Not reactive – Be proactive and never stop trying different ways to promote your services including following up with clients that are on the fence…its not good to be reactive in how you engage businesses and waiting for clients to find you.
Try to remember that like anything it can take a bit of time and practice to get the hang of finding&closing leads but if you keep the above tips in mind you should find things alot easier.
Hope you found this useful! 🙂