How to get better conversions from your website traffic!

Many people struggle with traffic and getting sales, but what some dont understand is its not about traffic and there soo many ways to get traffic paid and free…

But its about “conversions” and being able to convert your website visitors to subscribers/customers!

So here's a few tips i thought i would give you to help you out if your one of those people struggling…

:Consistent messeging – Having your ads and landing pages contain consistent messaging is important…for example, you dont exactly want to have an ad mentioning traffic then when the person clicks and visits the landing page its about video conversions as you will simply be wasting money…try to have exactly what it says in your ads in your landing page header it dont have to be verbatum but the same message.

:Match the theme – trying to match the color theme is also an important thing as you'll be surprised how much of a big thing it is in marketing and sales…try to have a similar color/theme on your landing page and funnels as on your(or affiliate products) salespages.

:Clear call to action – Make sure you have a clear “call-to-action” so your website/landing page visitors know exctly what they need to do whether that be subscribing, buying, ect…Make sure any buttons and text is clearly visible and direct in telling the visitor what they need to do.

:Split test – You should always split test your landing pages and ads to see which ones perform and convert best, then you can cut the ones that perform poorly and stick with the winners which will not only give you better conversions but also save you wasting alot of money in the long run!

See also  How to increase your conversion rates to get more subscribers and sales!

I hope you find them helpful! 😉

About the author: admin

Hi, my names Mike Digital Marketing Consultant and a proud father of 3, i started my journey into internet marketing and trying to build an income online over 10+ years ago... Since then i've been blessed and have come a long way in achieving my goal of "financial freedom" and being able to spend more time with my family, So now my focus is on sharing the love and helping others to achive the same success and freedom in they're lives too :)

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